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Report from the Classroom: 2020 Scholarship Recipients Reflect on Challenges, Successes

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Jen Fyke Web
by Jennifer Crowley Fyke
January 26, 2021

Congratulations to our 2020 scholarship recipients who recently completed their fall semester of classes.

Last year in particular was difficult for everyone enrolled in college, and our scholars were no exception. We heard from many students who were challenged with online learning, social isolation, and stress from COVID protocols. For some, actual technology issues presented problems: weak internet connections combined with a house-full of parents working remotely and siblings attending Zoom-school from their rooms, is an issue that we can all relate to this year.

Despite these challenges, our Coast Guard Foundation scholars persevered and showed us what commitment and dedication look like in real ways. They were committed to earning the best grades they could under the circumstances and overcame the difficulties of new learning styles -both for themselves and their professors - and embraced the technology and tools required for online learning.

“I figured out how to be a successful online student.”

“This semester, I am proud of my grades even though it was an extreme challenge going to school fully online.”

“I am so proud of the person I am becoming. This school year has been hard being six hours away from home and not knowing anyone at school. But I am so proud of myself for maintaining my grades and staying healthy while in college.”

“I worked really hard this semester to keep my grades up in spite of my challenges with remote learning. I also found the courage to seek out mental health counseling and have made lots of progress in the right direction to a happier and healthier state of mind.”

“I am proud of myself for learning to use videos as a learning tool!”

Our scholarship recipients are looking forward to seeing what this spring semester will bring. They are happy to be one semester closer to graduation, they are hopeful for the day when they can be back in the classroom and attending activities on campus, and they are thankful to the Coast Guard Foundation.

“This was my first semester at college and it was absolutely amazing. I loved it.”

“I am excited to finally have a routine down in order to be successful this coming semester.”

“Thank you, Coast Guard Foundation, for all of your support. I will be graduating in May 2021 with two degrees (BS in nutrition and BA in Spanish) completely debt-free.”

“This semester was a big experiment for everyone – students, teachers, and staff on campus. I’m looking forward to everyone getting into this new found groove next semester.”

“This semester was particularly difficult, but as always, I am grateful for your support. Knowing that the Coast Guard Foundation was supporting me really inspired me to push myself and do my best.”

We know this spring semester will present some challenges along the way, and we are committed to supporting your academic pursuits and ensuring you are healthy and well while you do it. Keep up the good work! Take good care of yourself! And know that we are so proud of you.

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