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Watch Now: Our Heroes of the Coast Guard Event

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by Ron LaBrec
August 2, 2021

Jumping out of helicopters into wildfires to rescue firefighters – check.

Spending the night on a mountainside building shelter and keeping an injured hiker alive – check.

Safely disembarking stranded cruise ship passengers because of the COVID-19 pandemic – check.

Rescuing fishermen from sinking vessels following a category 4 hurricane – check.

Yes, the Coast Guard does all that and so much more. But even heroes need heroes.

Even Heroes Need Heroes. Join us on August 4 for a special event to honor Coast Guard heroes.

You can be their hero! Join us for a 60-minute broadcast that highlights the Heroes of the Coast Guard and shines a light on the crucial role the Coast Guard Foundation plays in supporting these brave men and women and keeping them Semper Paratus – Always Ready!

Streaming live on the official birthday of the U.S. Coast Guard, Wednesday, August 4, at 1900 hours ET (that’s 7:00 pm). Free to attend thanks to the generosity of our sponsors. RSVPs are encouraged, but not required.

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