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Heroes of the Coast Guard Broadcast: How to Watch on February 9

The Heroes of the Coast Guard broadcast will livestream on Thursday, February 9, at 7:00 PM Eastern.
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Jen Fyke Web
by Jennifer Crowley Fyke
January 11, 2023

The Heroes of the Coast Guard broadcast will livestream on Thursday, February 9, at 7:00 PM Eastern.

The program will be available on Facebook, YouTube, and our website at

This encore presentation features electrifying rescues, daring law enforcement, and touching family moments at Coast Guard locations all across the country.

The program will be available on Facebook, YouTube, and our website at This encore presentation features electrifying rescues, daring law enforcement, and touching family moments at Coast Guard locations all across the country.

SET A REMINDER TO WATCH THE BROADCAST The program is free to watch. You can RSVP on the Facebook event or by clicking on “notify me” on YouTube.

SPREAD THE WORD Invite your friends, family, and colleagues to watch. Simply share the Facebook or YouTube link on your social media channels.

HOST A WATCH PARTY Invite friends and family to watch with you! What better way to learn more about the Coast Guard and the Coast Guard Foundation than a party with friends? It is also a great opportunity to share why the Foundation’s work is important to you.

How to Host a Watch Party

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