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ME3 Jackson P. Haughey Endowment supports mental health and suicide prevention

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by Ron LaBrec
August 16, 2021

The Coast Guard Foundation announced today the establishment of the ME3 Jackson P. Haughey Endowment Fund, which honors the memory of Jackson Haughey and will provide funding for programs to help U.S. Coast Guard members when they are most in need.

Born in Flagstaff, Arizona, Jackson was a 2016 graduate of Coconino High School. After joining the Coast Guard, he served on the cutter Henry Blake. He then attended the Maritime Law Enforcement Academy and became a Maritime Enforcement Specialist, serving in Bangor, Washington. Jackson died by suicide January 1, 2020.

Balancing Coast Guard service, a family, and personal needs can be hard. Coast Guard members spend months at sea or deployed from home, and long hours in their service to the Nation. Many Coast Guard members are young, living far from home for the first time. And many people don’t reach out for help when it is needed or don’t recognize others who are in crisis.

Jackson had a passion for many things, including Star Wars, hockey, Lake Powell, his dog Samantha, and his friends and family. He loved the Coast Guard and his fellow Coast Guard members. Everyone who met him, no matter how small of an interaction, will always remember him as a loving son, brother, husband, shipmate, and friend.

The ME3 Jackson P. Haughey Endowment will carry Jackson’s spirit, passion and love into the future by funding Coast Guard counseling, mental resiliency, and suicide prevention programs. In this way Jackson, who chose to be a lifesaver in the U.S. Coast Guard, will save others. This perpetual source of funds will provide needed assistance for Coast Guard members who serve our communities and Nation. And in telling Jackson’s story, the fund will raise awareness of the crisis of military suicides.

Your donation will honor Jackson's legacy and fund mental health and suicide prevention programs.

Donated gifts will carry on Jackson’s memory and strengthen the lives of Coast Guard members and their families.

Ways to give. The many ways to donate include check, credit card, donated stock, IRA distributions, and planned gifts.

Share Jackson’s story. Share this story with friends and loved ones.

Raise awareness. The Coast Guard’s Employee Assistance Program is available 24-hour hours a day at CGSUPRT.COM or 855-CG SUPRT (247-8778).

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