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Apply Now: 2023 Coastie Camper Season Opens April 1

It’s 2023 Coastie Camper Season! The Coast Guard Foundation’s Youth Enrichment Program -- Coastie Campers for short -- offers Coast Guard families across the country the opportunity to apply for a grant to help defray the cost of summer camps and activities.
2023 YEP Cover
Jen Fyke Web
by Jennifer Crowley Fyke
March 27, 2023

It’s 2023 Coastie Camper Season!

School is almost out for the summer. Parents are signing-up their children for camps, sports, and academic enrichment -- among other activities -- for the many weeks of downtime between school years.

The Coast Guard Foundation’s Youth Enrichment Program -- Coastie Campers for short -- offers Coast Guard families across the country the opportunity to apply for a grant to help defray the cost of summer camps and activities.

New this Year: We are out of the pilot phase and now rolling this program out to all areas of the country, meaning all the places that Coast Guard members and families live! We are grateful to our generous donors who have made this full program implementation possible.

Coast Guard members may apply for a $500 grant to cover the cost of their child’s summer camp registration, at-home or virtual enrichment program fees, or new software and hardware to help with at-home learning experiences. Simply put, this a chance to pay for camp, sign up for a virtual-camp experience, or purchase a Chromebook or tablet, to name a couple options. To maximize this opportunity for as many Coast Guard members as we can, we will limit the opportunity to one $500 grant per family.

2023 Coast Guard Foundation Youth Enrichment Program - Coastie Campers!

Program Specifics and Eligibility Requirements

  • The Coast Guard Foundation Summer Youth Enrichment Program (“Coastie Campers”) open application period is April 1-August 31, 2023, as funds remain.
  • DEERS-certified dependent child of an active-duty Coast Guard member in pay grades E-2 to E-8, O1-O3, W2-W3.
  • DEERS-certified dependent child of a Coast Guard reservist in pay grades E-2 to E-8, O1-O3, W2-W3, on any type of active-duty orders for at least 180 days.
  • Dependent children must be aged 5-18 years old.
  • Each qualified Coast Guard member is eligible for one $500 grant. You may apply for each dependent child to reach the $500 total per family. One grant per household.
  • To be fair and equitable to Coast Guard families all across the country, our grant funds are allocated by Coast Guard district. As a district’s funds are used, this program announcement and the application will update with the current status of available funds. [See update below to learn what CG Districts are closed.]
  • Grants are reviewed and awarded in the order in which they are received.
  • All selection results are final.
  • Submitting an application does not guarantee funding of a grant.
  • All grant recipients will be notified by the Coast Guard Foundation of their selection. Selected applicants will be contacted by email as the primary form of notification; we may call or send a formal letter via mail to the home address on file if necessary.
  • Periodic changes may influence the funding level of these grants. As a result, the Coast Guard Foundation does not guarantee future funding levels for this program. The Coast Guard Foundation reserves the right to reduce or discontinue any award due to the non-availability of funding, without advance notice.

How to Apply

  • Applications must be completed and submitted online at
  • A copy of your DEERS/MilConnect Service member profile page is required with your application to verify eligibility.
  • We know that some Coast Guard families will not have the funds to pay camp costs upfront. On the application, you can indicate the cost of the program and if you are approved, we will send you a grant check to use for program registration. Proof of enrollment and payment receipt for camp and enrichment activities and technology purchases will be requested and must be submitted after your grant is approved. Required documentation includes the cost of the activity, such as a flyer or brochure, or a letter from the organization, which clearly states the program's cost and the program dates. Proof of payment includes a copy of a receipt or email notification of payment.
  • If you have a question about the camp or program your child is participating, in or the required documentation, please email the Coast Guard Foundation’s program manager, Mrs. Sage Williams, at, or call 860-535-0786.

PROGRAM UPDATES: As noted above, our grant funds are allocated by Coast Guard district. As a district’s funds are used, this program announcement and the application will update with the current status of available funds.

5/17/23: All funds are expended for DISTRICT 5 and DISTRICT 8.

5/18/23: In addition, all funds are expended for DISTRICT 1, DISTRICT 7, and DISTRICT 9.

6/1/23: In addition, all funds are expended for DISTRICT 11

YEP 2023 announcement 1
2023 is our largest Coastie Camper program to date!

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